
3rd Grade abstract designs

When they were done with their artwork they chose to peel crayons to make cool marbled crayons! (See Ideas to do at home to learn how to make them)


5th grade figure sculptures

Anthony got the art award today!

Miss Lombardo cutting paris craft

My awesome helpers cutting paris craft

1st Grade Bugs

Made with oil pastels on black paper.

3rd grade Bird display

Art Award

Nina got the Art Award today in Mrs. Fiore's class! Congrats Nina! Here she is picking her prize.

So thankful!

My document camera
Our kiln
Check out the fantastic technology that I am lucky to have in my art class. Thank you Kerr!!!!
My Smartboard!

Student Teacher

Please welcome Miss Lombardo to our art room! Miss Lombardo is our new student teacher coming to us from IUP.



Welcome to my new blog page. I have never done this before so I am still learning but I plan to add pictures and current events that are happening in the art room. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!